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Serious Sam Double D v1.0.1 cracked Game PC

Kamis, 22 September 2011

Serious Sam explodes into the second dimension using everything in his arsenal to battle the abominable legions of Mental’s horde. Pull the trigger to let the heavy ordinance fly in Serious Sam Double D, a hand drawn, side-scrolling shooter featuring all the over-the-top gameplay and chaotic action of the Serious Sam series. Pile on the firepower with the revolutionary Gunstacker and fire all your weapons at once in a symphony of destruction! All that stands between victory and annihilation is a man in a T-shirt and jeans wielding a great big pile of guns.

The Serious Sam Indie Series is an extraordinary program launched by Croteam and Devolver Digital to partner with gaming’s most creative independent developers and design radically unique Serious Sam games in a variety of styles and genres.


    Serious Action: Unleash a storm of bullets and flame against an unrelenting horde of bizarre and ferocious creatures hell bent on bringing down the heroic Serious Sam. Clash against Mental’s army across 18 levels in three sensational worlds from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the volcanic chaos of Pompeii to the harsh jungles of prehistoric Earth.
    Revolutionary Gunstacker: Duel-wielding is for lesser men. Serious Sam Double D’s new Gunstacker allows Serious Sam to stack any combination of weapons one on top another and fire them all at once. Two shotguns on a laser gun and grenade launcher? Of course. Four chainsaws and a flamethrower? Yes, please.
    Legions of Bizarre Beasts: Clash against classic Serious Sam enemies like Headless Kamikazes, Gnaar, and Biomechanoids or gun down all new monstrosities like the insane Chimputees, oddball Vuvuzelators, and the surprisingly sexy Femikazes. Prove your worth and take down four amazingly unique bosses in epic showdowns full of carnage!
    Challenge Rooms and Serious Secrets: Keep the action coming with a battery of action-packed challenge rooms filled to the brim with waves of attacking beasts! Get really serious and try to uncover dozens and dozens of secrets hidden throughout this wild world!

Publisher: Devolver Digital and Croteam | Developer:Mommy’s Best Games | Genre:Action, Indie | Platform: PC | Size: 140 MB

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Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters-Game PC

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Description: Start your journey down the “Road to the Masters” with Tiger Woods PGA TOUR12: The Masters. Embark on the “Road to the Masters” as your career beginson the amateur tour and work your way through Q School, Nationwide Tour,and finally, the PGA Tour. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters hassomething for every golf fan and is the must-have title this year

Publisher: Electronic Arts | Developer: Electronic Arts | Genre:Sports |Platform: PC | Size: 3.668 GB | Release Date: 09/2011

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Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 10 portable

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Internet Download Manager memiliki kecepatan download data sistem dengan fitur cerdas untuk mendukung fragmentasi paket dan teknologi download multipart untuk mengamankan data untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download. Tidak seperti akselerator download lain dan manajer bahwa segmen file sebelum men-download dimulai, Internet Download Manager secara dinamis selama proses download. Internet Download Manager memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan mulus melalui berkali-kali tanpa langkah-langkah ditambahkan dalam rangka untuk mencapai kinerja percepatan yang lebih baik.

Internet Download Manager mendukung proxy server, ftp dan protokol http, firewalls, redirects, cookies, direktori dengan otorisasi, MP3 audio dan MPEG video, dan sejumlah besar format dalam daftar. Internet Download Manager berbaur dengan Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, dan semua browser populer lainnya untuk secara otomatis menangani beban data Anda. Anda juga dapat drag dan drop file, atau menggunakan Internet Download Manager dari baris perintah. Internet Download Manager dapat dial modem Anda pada waktu yang ditetapkan, download file yang Anda inginkan, lepaskan, atau mematikan komputer Anda ketika selesai.
Fitur lainnya termasuk dukungan multibahasa, zip preview, download categories, built-in download accelerator pro, suara di tugas saat ini, dukungan HTTPS, prosesor antrian, pipelining dari perintah ftp, mendukung dan membimbing html, perlindungan virus ditingkatkan di download selesai, download progresif dengan kuota untuk (berguna untuk koneksi yang menggunakan beberapa jenis akses yang adil umum bahan (TPI) seperti Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, dll .. ..), built-in koneksi, dan banyak lainnya.

Fitur Utama:
  • Mendukung semua aplikasi dan browser yang paling populer! Internet Download Manager mendukung semua versi dari semua browser, dan kompatibel dengan aplikasi internet generasi ke-3
  • Download dengan satu klik mouse. Ketika Anda mengklik pada link download di browser, IDM akan mengambil alih download dan mempercepatnya. IDM mendukung HTTP data yang metode transfer, FTP dan HTTPS.
  • Speed ??Download. Internet Download Manager dapat mempercepat download hingga 5 kali karena segmentasi teknis bahan cerdas.
  • XANA. Internet Download Manager akan terus melakukan pekerjaan yang belum selesai download yang telah Anda berhenti sebelumnya.
  • Wizard instalasi sederhana. Program ini diinstal dengan mudah dan cepat akan membuat pengaturan yang diperlukan untuk Anda, dan titik cek yang terhubung ke jaringan Anda untuk memastikan masalah instalasi gratis Internet Download Manager.
  • Otomatis sistem pemindaian. Utilitas ini memungkinkan Anda untuk men-download data dari virus dan trojan.
  • Integrasi Browser. Ketika diaktifkan, fitur program dapat digunakan untuk menangkap data download dari aplikasi manapun. Tidak seorang pun dari download manager memiliki fitur ini.
  • Scheduler. Internet Download Manager dapat terhubung ke Internet pada waktu yang ditetapkan, download file yang Anda inginkan, lepaskan, atau mematikan komputer Anda ketika selesai.
  • IDM mendukung banyak jenis proxy server. Misalnya, IDM bekerja dengan Microsoft ISA, dan FTP server proxy.
  • IDM mendukung data port transfer: Dasar, Negosiasi, NTLM, dan Keberos. Jadi IDM dapat terhubung ke Internet dan banyak server proxy melalui nama pengguna dan password yang berbeda.
  • Download semua file. IDM dapat menambahkan semua download link ke halaman arus tunggal. Dengan fitur ini adalah mudah untuk men-download beberapa file sekaligus.
  • Antarmuka dapat diedit. Anda dapat memilih urutan tombol dan kolom muncul di jendela utama IDM.
  • Daftar download. Internet Download Manager dapat digunakan untuk menjadwalkan data otomatis men-download kategori yang didefinisikan.
  • Automatic update fitur. Quick update ke versi terbaru dari IDM dan pekerjaan dilakukan mingguan.
  • Batas download. Fitur ini berguna untuk koneksi yang menggunakan beberapa jenis kebijakan akses broadband (FAP) seperti Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, dll .. ..
  • Drag dan drop. Sangat mudah, cukup drag dan drop link ke IDM, dan drag and drop file telah selesai men-download dari Internet Download Manager.
  • IDM adalah program multibahasa. IDM diterjemahkan ke bahasa lain seperti Arab, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cina, Kroasia, Republik Ceko, Denmark, Belanda, Perancis, Jerman, Hungaria, Italia, Jepang, Makedonia, Polandia, Portugal , Rumania, Rusia, Slovekia, Spanyol, Thailand.

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Easy Online TV Freeware v4.5

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Easy Online TV Gratis 4.5 TV kecil yang efektif dengan saluran Internasional di kualitas HD

Apa yang Baru di Easy Online TV 4.5
  • Kendali melengkapi saluran HD yang tersedia saat ini.
  • Untuk menambahkan tombol Zoom In / Zoom Out, untuk membantu Anda melihat layar TV ukuran lebih besar dari yang cocok untuk Anda gunakan resolusi.
  • Informasi tambahan tooltip menunjukkan setiap saluran untuk membantu pengguna mengetahui informasi dari saluran untuk menonton.
  • Tambahan item Bimbingan dan Pengolahan Ketika kesalahan untuk membantu Anda mengatasi kesalahan mudah, cepat.
  • Tambahan menampilkan jumlah orang yang menggunakan program sekaligus.
  • Mengubah algoritma untuk meminimalkan kesalahan program manipulasi.
  • Tetap mulai menginstal baru Octoshape melihat saluran HD.
  • Tetap hilangnya daftar saluran slider untuk pengguna untuk 1024x768.

Pertimbangan saat menggunakan Easy Online TV 4.5
+ Perlu untuk menghapus versi lama TV Online Mudah daripada sebelum instalasi.
+ Perlu install Flash Player untuk IE 3.10 + untuk meminimalkan kesalahan.
+ Program ini akan secara otomatis menghapus Octoshape ada di mesin Anda untuk meminimalkan kesalahan menggunakan Octoshape tua.
+ Gunakan tombol Zoom / Mini lebih baik menggunakan lebih besar dari resolusi 1024x768.
+ Baca Pedoman bagian dan Pengolahan Ketika kesalahan sebelum menekan tombol Kontak. Bila bukan kesalahan atau item lain, tekan tombol Panduan Hubungi Kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan.

Permintaan untuk menggunakan. Net Framework 2.0

32 Bit (x86):

64 Bit (x64):

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Download ID USB Lock key 3.5 Freeware

Senin, 12 September 2011

ID USB Lock Key adalah perangkat lunak secara efektif, dengan menetapkan sandi untuk melindungi akses ilegal melalui penggunaan USB stick. Mengaktifkan layar berhenti hanya lebih dari tiga langkah:

menentukan USB anda dengan program ini, menciptakan kunci keamanan mereka sendiri dan menghapus keluar usb. Maka komputer Anda akan memblokir akses yang tidak diperbolehkan.
Kunci otomatis ketika dalam siaga - IDLE. Anda dapat mengaktifkan dengan menekan CTRL + ALT + L.
ID USB ??Lock Key melindungi mesin secara menyeluruh dan mencegah akses bahkan ketika reboot. Ini memastikan bahwa kondisi mesin setelah peluncuran tidak akan berubah dari aslinya - sebelum diblokir.

Buat kode keamanan unik Anda sendiri untuk satu atau lebih stick USB. Jika Anda ingin memperpanjang USB stick Anda, atau Anda ingin orang lain untuk mengakses dari tongkat sendiri USB mereka, program ini

akan membuat kode yang terpisah untuk orang-orang.
ID USB ??Lock Key menampilkan layar perlindungan bahkan ketika seseorang menyentuh mesin, tekan semua itu. ID USB ??Lock Key adalah kemudahan antarmuka grafis, kemudahan penggunaan. Ini hanya membutuhkan

sejumlah kecil sumber daya komputer untuk beroperasi secara efektif.

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download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 untuk Windows Linux dan MAC

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Proyek SeaMonkey merupakan upaya masyarakat untuk memberikan kualitas produksi rilis dari kode yang berasal dari aplikasi yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai "Aplikasi Mozilla Suite" dan merupakan nama kode untuk browser Mozilla. Mereka termasuk layout engine NGLayout / Gecko dan dibangun di atas komponen arsitektur XPCOM. Sedangkan fokus utama dari Mozilla Foundation pada Mozilla Firefox dan Mozilla Thunderbird, kelompok kami relawan yang berdedikasi bekerja untuk memastikan bahwa Anda dapat memiliki "segalanya kecuali wastafel dapur" - cukup stabil untuk digunakan oleh perusahaan. Ini adalah versi terbaru dari aplikasi suite SeaMonkey, termasuk Navigator, Messenger, dan Komposer. SeaMonkey merupakan open-source web browser, yang dirancang untuk standar, kepatuhan kinerja dan portabilitas.


• Tabbed browsing gives you a better way to surf the net. You no longer have to open one page at a time. With tabbed browsing, open several pages at once with one click. Plus, your homepage can be multiple pages, in tabs.
• Popup blocker lets you surf the web without interruption from annoying ads.
• Image Manager lets you block images to remove offensive images or speed up the rendering of web sites.
• Find as you type gives you another way to navigate a page. Just start typing to jump from link to link or to find a word or phrase within a page.
• Plus all the features a modern browser should have including: Advanced security settings; Password, Download, and Cookie managers; Themes; multi-language and multi-platform support; and, the latest in Web Standards.

Mail & Newsgroups :

• Junk mail controls helps you take back control of your e-mail from spammers. SeaMonkey's adaptive junk mail control gets smarter with use and is personalized to the e-mail that you receive.
• Manage your mail with customizable Labels and Mail Views. Color code your e-mail to help you prioritize. Sort your mail with views to help you through your e-mail much faster.
• Multiple Accounts support helps you manage all your mail through one interface.
• SeaMonkey Messenger includes Enterprise ready features such as S/MIME, return receipts, Address Books, LDAP support, and digital signing.


• SeaMonkey's powerful yet simple HTML editor keeps getting better with dynamic image and table resizing, quick insert and delete of table cells, improved CSS support, and support for positioned layers. For all your documents and website projects, Composer is all you need.

Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for Windows
Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for Linux
Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for MacOS
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Super Hide IP 3 Full Download

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Melindungi privasi Anda di Internet. Gunakan super Hide IP untuk berselancar secara anonim, mencegah hacker dari pemantauan aktivitas online Anda atau pencuri identitas dari identitas Anda dan informasi

pribadi lainnya, mengirim email anonim, dan larangan dari forum atau situs web akan dibatasi.

Dengan Super Hide IP 3, Anda dapat menugaskan salah satu alamat IP yang palsu kita dapat dari berbagai negara seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Perancis, dll Super Hide IP 3 bekerja dengan Internet

Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE dan kompatibel dengan semua jenis router, firewall, jaringan rumah, jaringan nirkabel dan jenis lain dari Internet.

Key Features:

Anonymous Web Surfing
Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.

Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.

Choose IP Country
You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.

Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.

Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.

Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit).

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Plants vs Zombies (Portable) Game PC

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Mungkin Anda semua sudah tahu permainan yg saya posting ini. Game ini sudah dirilis tapi masih memungkinkan saya untuk berbagi kepada Anda semua karena cukup untuk menghilangkan penat dan stres dipikiran kita.

Permainan yang saya bagikan kali ini adalah Plants vs Zombies . Dalam permainan karakter utama adalah tanaman dan zombie sendiri. Berikut diceritakan bahwa zombie ingin masuk ke rumah dan ingin makan otak pemilik rumah. Namun rencana itu digagalkan oleh sang pemilik rumah dengan menanam tanaman untuk menghalangi menghalau zombie.

Game ini ada 5 bagian yang antara lain:
1. Pada rumput di siang hari
2. Pada rumput di malam hari
3. Di kolam renang di siang hari
4. Di kolam renang di malam hari
5. Di atap rumah

Di sini terdapat banyak jenis tanaman yang dapat Anda gunakan tergantung pada keadaan zombie yg akan anda lawan. Yang pasti game ini sangat menarik dan penuh strategi. Rugi jika anda tidak mencobanya.

Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: 1.2GHz processor
RAM: 512+MB of RAM
VGA: 128MB of video memory, 16-bit or 32-bit color quality
DX: DirectX 8 or later
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
HDD: 65+MB of free hard drive space
Sound: DirectX-compatible sound
Resolution: 16-bit or 32-bit color quality

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Download Comodo Dragon Internet Browser v13.0.0.0 gratis

Comodo Dragon - cepat dan serbaguna Internet Browser berbasis pada Chromium, diresapi dengan tingkat yang tak tertandingi Comodo Keamanan! Comodo Dragon telah mengambil teknologi terbaru dan ditingkatkan Kromium itu dalam satu cara yang diperlukan untuk membuatnya Browser optimal untuk digunakan pada malware hari ini terganggu Internet dengan keamanan superior dan privasi. Comodo Dragon mencakup semua fitur terbaik dari Chrome. Ini mencakup fitur penting setiap pengguna perlu menggunakan Internet dengan aman keseluruhan hari ini. Tampilannya terlihat cukup banyak Chrome seperti yang sama dengan tab di atas. Sebuah browser yang dikembangkan oleh sebuah perusahaan yang terkenal karena perangkat lunak firewall yang dapat membuat orang merasa lebih aman tentang penggunaan internet mereka. Comodo Dragon akan menarik sebuah kuning terang orang hati-hati pesan peringatan yang mengirimkan informasi mungkin tidak aman ketika mereka memasuki sebuah situs Web dengan sertifikat keamanan yang tidak stabil. Juga, Naga tidak mengirimkan informasi browsing ke remote server.

Comodo Dragon is an aesthetically minimalist browser that is attractive, responsive, and secure. From the detachable tabs at the top of the screen to the bookmark-syncing option, it is impossible to instantly recognize where the "remix" takes place. The Help tab even redirects you to Google Chrome's Help page and the Extensions tab redirects you to Google as well. It also keeps Chrome's incognito mode option, where all browsing information and cookies are deleted following the user's Web session. Upon poking around the Options menu, there are a couple of visible differences: there are no location settings and Dragon does not present an option to send "usage statistics and crash reports to Google."

Dragon is not only fast, but like Google Chrome, it is not strewn with numerous icons, leaving more room for Web viewing. For those who are extra cautious about their online security, or for those who are worried about Google's data-mining, this fast browser is a great choice.
  • Improved Privacy over Chromium.
  • Easy SSL Certificate Identification.
  • Fast Website Access.
  • Greater Stability and Less Memory Bloat.
  • Incognito Mode Stops Cookies, Improves Privacy.
  • Very easy to switch from your Browser to the Dragon.
System Requirements:
  • 32-bit Windows 7 / Vista / XP.
  • 128 MB RAM.
  • 40 MB Hard Disk Space.

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Windows XP SP3 v5.1 - WinStyle

Windows XP SP3 v5.1 - WinStyle

Windows versi diciptakan dari keinginan untuk memberikan stabilitas Windows yang sempurna. Dibuat dari disk Windows XP asli SP3 MSDN terintegrasi Internet Explorer 8 Windows Media Player 11 dan patch terbaru (diperbarui Desember 2010).

Sistem operasi: Windows XP Sevice Pack 3 x86 (32 bit).
Dukungan SATA: Ya.
Dukungan RAID: Ya.
SCSI dukungan: Ya.
Internet Explorer 8: Ya
Windows Media Player 11: Ya
Hotfix: Ya (diperbarui 12/2010)
Online update: Ya.
CD Key: Sudah tersedia (ditambahkan).
Berkas file: File ISO standar.
Berkas Arsip: WinRAR.
Download file: File splited.
Jumlah part: 8 part.

Spesifikasi yang diperlukan:
- Processor: Intel Celeron 2,0 Ghz (atau lebih tinggi)
- Memori: 256 MB (atau lebih tinggi)
- Video Card: 64 MB (atau lebih tinggi)
- Hard Disk: 4GB ruang (atau lebih tinggi)

- Processor: Intel Pentium4 1,4 Ghz
- Memori: 512 MB
- Video Card: 128 MB
- Hard Drive: 10GB free

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10 kumpulan wallpaper yg sangat menawan dan bagus

Dibawah ini adalah beberapa kumpulan wallpaper yg sangat menawan dan bagus,terbagi dari beberapa kategori dan semuanya berkualitas tinggi cocok untuk wallpaper komputer anda dirumah.silahkan dipilih saja mana yg sreg dihati anda. 

HD Pack Superior Wallpapers
151 JPG | 1440X900 - 2560X1600 | 111 Mb

Computer Desktop Wallpapers Collection
76 JPG | 1920X1080 - 2560X1600 | 105 Mb

55 Excellent Girls HQ Beautiful HD Wallpapers
55 pics | JPG | 1600x1200-2560x1600 | 51.47 MB

45 Different Beautiful Cars HD Wallpapers
JPG | 45 | 1920x1200 | 31 MB

70 Excellent Mixed HQ Color HD Nice Wallpapers
70 pics | JPG | 1600x1200-2560x1600 | 68.22 MB

Computer Desktop Wallpapers Collection 181
73 JPG | 1680X1050 - 2560X1600 | 106.11 Mb

HD Pack Superior Wallpapers 156
113 JPG | 1680X1050 - 2560X1600 | 113.48 Mb

HD Pack Superior Wallpapers 157
131 JPG | 1440X900 - 2560X1600 | 109.15 Mb

Creative advertising Part 71
100 JPG | ~1600x1200 | 53.56 Mb

Artwork of light Hory Ma
330 JPG | 432x600 - 533x800 | 52.1 Mb

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Transfer file terasa aman dengan TurboFTP

TurboFTP adalah program klien FTP yang aman (mendukung FTP melalui SSL / TLS dan SFTP atas SSH2) untuk Windows 9x/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mentransfer file (upload atau download) pada kecepatan turbo antara komputer Anda dan hampir semua server FTP dengan mudah luar biasa dan bila diperlukan, dengan enkripsi yang kuat dari kekuatan industri.

Dengan antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif, banyak fitur dan kemampuan transfer file menjadi aman, TurboFTP adalah perangkat lunak yang tepat untuk tugas-tugas seperti meng-upload situs Web, dijadwalkan sinkronisasi file dan cadangan, dan kritis misi transfer file perusahaan.

TurboFTP Sync Layanan Modul menyediakan scalable dan FTP File tinggi kinerja pelayanan replikasi berbasis pada teknologi terbukti TurboFTP, membantu Anda mengirim data destribute ke seluruh jaringan secara efisien dan aman.
  • Sync Service Module.
  • Auto Upload New Files and/or Updated Files in Local Folder.
  • Security.
  • Schedule File Transfer.
  • Folder Synchronizer.
  • MODE-Z support and Built-in Compress/Decompress Utility.
  • Strong interruption and stall protection.
  • Firewall/Proxy support.
  • Large file support.
  • Intuitive.

  • Connection Capability:
Firewall support, including HTTP proxy, SOCKS 4, SOCKS 4a and SOCKS 5.
Support secure FTP connection and file transfer with SSL/TLS, including implicit and explicit SSL. Support client certificate.
Support SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) over SSH2.
OTP S/Key (MD4, MD5) password encryption.
Strong interruption and stall protection and Auto Dial.
Auto reconnect and broken transfer resume.
Passive mode support, configurable for individual site.
Anti-idle mechanism prevents connection time-out.
Clipboard monitoring for FTP URLs (_ftp://user : : port/path).
Support redirected URLs.
Remember recently connected sites for quick access.

  • Built-in Sync Service Module for Scheduled FTP and SFTP File Replication and Synchronization:
Run FTP and SFTP schedule task as a NT service.*
Run programs before and after a schedule task.
Support dependency of tasks.
Multiple simultaneous schedule tasks.*
Use different dial-up connection for individual site.
Comes with a log file viewing tool - TurboLogViewer which offers many handy features like collapsing/expanding log sessions, syntax highlighting, bookmarking etc, all making viewing and analyzing log file much easier.
Support Regular Expressions as include/exclude filters in synchronization.

  • Intuitive and Flexible Client Interface:
A powerful Upload Wizard allows you to upload files right from Windows Shell using Shell context menu.
Context sensitive help.
Quick connect bar.
Windows XP compatible and XP theming.
FTP Connection Wizard.
Drag and drop to download/upload files; drop to sub-folders.
Drag and drop from Windows Explorer.
Multi-language support (allow to switch interface language without restarting the program).
Show directory information (number of selected files and all files, total size and free space) in real time.
Minimize to system tray.

  • Management of Site Profiles:
Site Address Book - sites organized in a tree structure. Easily organized with drag and drop, copy and paste.
Can import site information from CuteFTP, WS_FTP, Bulletproof FTP, LeapFTP and FTP Explorer. Support all formats of CuteFTP site information data file and can import passwords - tree.dat, smdata.dat, SM.dat.
Stored login passwords are encrypt.

  • Mastering Your Web / FTP Site:
Folder Synchronizer provides visual comparison of local and remote directory structures, where files to be transferred, updated or removed are clearly marked with action icons based on the selected Synchronization Scheme. After review and necessary modifications you can then update destination directory, including any sub-directories with one click.
Advanced Auto Upload (AAU). Monitors a local folder and upload new files, updated files or both. Supports sub folders, filters and can run as NT service.*
Basic Auto Upload. Monitors a local folder and upload any new files that arrive in it.
Support on-the-fly data compression using MODE Z.
Simple local and remote directories compare.
Bookmarks - one-click access to any local/remote folder.
Automatic upload/download filename case conversion and Auto Rename.
Only download/upload newer files.
Recursive delete of remote directory.
Automatically and correctly resolve unix links.
Support UNIX, UNIX-compatible, DOS-style, VMS, VAX, OS/2, AS-400, Novell Netware (v4 and onwards), VxWorks and Apple OS FTP directory listing.
Manually execute your own commands on remote server.
Automatically send user-defined FTP commands after logon.
Directory listing filtering that allows you to ignore files by directory or wildcards.
Show Owner and Group information of remote listing.
Report total size and number of files in a directory and all its subdirectories.
Show server file time in local time zone according to specified time offset.
Group select of files using wildcard.
Remote file attribute modification (CHMOD).
Change server login password.
Remote editing - edit and update web page online.
Remote directory caching.

  • Upload / Download:
Recursive directory upload or download.
Scheduled transfer support, featuring comprehensive scheduling options and scheduled automated File Synchronization. Only download/upload files that are new or updated, delete downloaded files from remote server, etc. Ideal for automated file backup and mirroring. Built-in Schedule Sync Task Wizard makes creating a complex sync task a breeze.
Send E-mail report upon schedule task complete (support multiple recipients).
Command line support.
A transfer queue that can handle files to/from any site and any directory.
Ability to preserve server file time on downloaded files.
Ability to transfer files larger than 4Gb (available on NTFS file system).
Resume download/upload. Option to use APPE to resume uploads.
Download/upload speed limits - reserve bandwidth (for e.g. web browsing) while transferring files.
Upon transfer complete automatically hang up modem or shut down/ log off computer.
Select servers in Address Book to expand queued upload list to multiple servers.

  • Local File Management:
Compress and decompress files and folders right within the program.
Direct access to virtual folders (e.g. Desktop, My Documents) and network folders.
Integrated Windows Explorer context menu.
Store individual user data separately.
Option to delete to the Recycle Bin.
File/folder properties.

System Requirements:

Software Platform Requirements:
  • Microsoft® Windows® NT, 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server R1&2 32-bit and 64-bit(x64).
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements:
  • 233 megahertz (MHz) processor.
  • 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM.
  • 15MB of available drive space.
  • TCP/IP enabled Network Interface Card (NIC).

Name: Laurie brodhead

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Internet Explorer 10.0 Platform Preview 2 v2.10.1008.16421

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Internet Explorer telah dirancang untuk membuat tugas sehari-hari lebih mudah, memberikan perlindungan keamanan yang dinamis dan meningkatkan platform pengembangan dan pengelolaan. Akhir perbaikan pengguna termasuk streamline antarmuka, tabbed browsing, kemajuan mencetak, fungsi pencarian ditingkatkan, instan feed (RSS), perlindungan keamanan yang dinamis, dan banyak lagi. Internet Explorer menyediakan navigasi yg ditingkatkan melalui tabbed browsing, web langsung mencari dari toolbar, pencetakan canggih, penemuan mudah, membaca dan berlangganan RSS feed, dan banyak lagi. Hal ini juga memberikan keamanan melalui sebuah arsitektur baru yang kuat, fitur keamanan yang membantu melindungi terhadap perangkat lunak berbahaya, dan cara-cara baru untuk lebih melindungi terhadap pencurian data pribadi dari situs-situs penipuan. Preview Platform adalah tampilan awal pada platform IE sehingga beberapa fitur tidak lengkap, beberapa mungkin berubah, dan beberapa dapat ditambahkan. Download sekarang Landasan Preview 10 untuk melihat teknologi seperti CSS3 Gradien dan Kotak Fleksibel, dan ECMAScript5 modus ketat.

Internet Explorer Platform Preview is released periodically to give web developers, designers, and enthusiasts an advanced look at what’s to come in the next major release of Internet Explorer. It is not intended to be your daily browser, and in fact will not replace the version of Internet Explorer you have installed on your computer. The binaries that ship in the Platform Preview Build package do not replace system binaries; instead, they are placed in an iepreview.exe.local folder under the Internet Explorer Platform Preview path.

By default, pages are rendered in Internet Explorer Platform Preview with the latest rendering engine. However, if the page’s markup instructs the browser (via an “X-UA-Compatible” meta tag, a custom HTTP header from the web server, a !DOCTYPE declaration, or a combination of the three) to display it in an older document compatibility mode (for instance, IE9 mode, EmulateIE7 mode, “quirks” mode, and so on), Internet Explorer Platform Preview displays the page in that compatibility mode. (For more information about compatibility modes, see Defining Document Compatibility on MSDN.)

Internet Explorer Platform Preview must be in ”IE10 Standards Mode” to correctly display webpages that take advantage of the new features described in this document. The best way to ensure that Internet Explorer Platform Preview renders your webpages using the latest rendering engine is to include the following !DOCTYPE declaration at the beginning of the page’s HTML:

In addition, do not use an “X-UA-Compatible” meta tag on the page or send a custom HTTP header from the web server. To force a webpage you are viewing in Internet Explorer Platform Preview into a particular document compatibility mode, on the Debug menu, click the corresponding Force … Document Mode selection, or use its keyboard shortcut.

Compatibility View is a display mode within Internet Explorer 8 and later that displays webpages as if they were viewed by an earlier version of the browser. The Compatibility View List contains a number of websites known to have problems when viewed in the latest document mode of Internet Explorer; when Internet Explorer opens a webpage from a site on the Compatibility View List, it automatically displays the page in a way that allows it to be viewed correctly.

Internet Explorer Platform Preview has a smaller, targeted Compatibility View List. This ensures that you have a compatible experience with the top sites that matter to you most. You can see the list of sites on the Internet Explorer Platform Preview Compatibility View List by navigating to the following path on your computer: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\iecompatdata.xml

If your computer is running a 64-bit version of Windows 7, the Internet Explorer Platform Preview folder will be located inside the Program Files (x86) folder.

Created for Internet Explorer Platform Preview Build 10 for MIX, with information about:
* CSS3 Flexbox
* CSS3 Grid
* CSS3 Multi-column
* CSS3 Gradients (on background images)
* ES5 strict mode
* Compatibility View List
* User-agent string
* How to send feedback

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SeaMonkey 2.3.1 untuk Windows Linux dan MAC

Proyek SeaMonkey merupakan upaya masyarakat untuk memberikan kualitas produksi rilis dari kode yang berasal dari aplikasi yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai "Aplikasi Mozilla Suite" dan merupakan nama kode untuk browser Mozilla. Mereka termasuk layout engine NGLayout / Gecko dan dibangun di atas komponen arsitektur XPCOM. Sedangkan fokus utama dari Mozilla Foundation pada Mozilla Firefox dan Mozilla Thunderbird, kelompok kami relawan yang berdedikasi bekerja untuk memastikan bahwa Anda dapat memiliki "segalanya kecuali wastafel dapur" - cukup stabil untuk digunakan oleh perusahaan. Ini adalah versi terbaru dari aplikasi suite SeaMonkey, termasuk Navigator, Messenger, dan Komposer. SeaMonkey merupakan open-source web browser, yang dirancang untuk standar, kepatuhan kinerja dan portabilitas.


• Tabbed browsing gives you a better way to surf the net. You no longer have to open one page at a time. With tabbed browsing, open several pages at once with one click. Plus, your homepage can be multiple pages, in tabs.
• Popup blocker lets you surf the web without interruption from annoying ads.
• Image Manager lets you block images to remove offensive images or speed up the rendering of web sites.
• Find as you type gives you another way to navigate a page. Just start typing to jump from link to link or to find a word or phrase within a page.
• Plus all the features a modern browser should have including: Advanced security settings; Password, Download, and Cookie managers; Themes; multi-language and multi-platform support; and, the latest in Web Standards.

Mail & Newsgroups :

• Junk mail controls helps you take back control of your e-mail from spammers. SeaMonkey's adaptive junk mail control gets smarter with use and is personalized to the e-mail that you receive.
• Manage your mail with customizable Labels and Mail Views. Color code your e-mail to help you prioritize. Sort your mail with views to help you through your e-mail much faster.
• Multiple Accounts support helps you manage all your mail through one interface.
• SeaMonkey Messenger includes Enterprise ready features such as S/MIME, return receipts, Address Books, LDAP support, and digital signing.


• SeaMonkey's powerful yet simple HTML editor keeps getting better with dynamic image and table resizing, quick insert and delete of table cells, improved CSS support, and support for positioned layers. For all your documents and website projects, Composer is all you need.

Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for Windows
Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for Linux
Download SeaMonkey 2.3.1 for MacOS
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Kaspersky Password Manager v5.0 cocok buat pelupa

Kaspersky Password Manager adalah alat yang sangat diperlukan untuk pengguna Internet yg aktif. Sepenuhnya mengotomatisasi proses memasukkan password dan data lain ke dalam website dan menyimpan pengguna yg kesulitan menciptakan dan mengingat beberapa password.

Bila Anda menggunakan Kaspersky Password Manager untuk log in, Anda dapat yakin bahwa data Anda aman. Perangkat lunak ini menciptakan password yang sangat kuat dan mencegah informasi login Anda dicuri. Semua data rahasia dienkripsi dan disimpan di database khusus pada komputer Anda.

Kaspersky Password Manager membuat pengalaman web Anda lebih aman, lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman.

  • Allows you to access websites and applications with just a single click of the mouse

  • Stores your passwords in an encrypted database on your computer

  • Creates a strong, unique password for each account

  • Includes a mobile version that can be loaded from a flash drive and run on another computer

  • Fills in lengthy forms for you automatically

Main Features:

  • Sign-in with a single click of the mouse

Kaspersky Password Manager remembers your usernames and their associated passwords so that when you return to a site it will provide your login data automatically. Kaspersky Password Manager also works with applications that require authentication.

  • Reliable protection for your passwords

Kaspersky Password Manager securely stores your passwords and personal data in a dedicated, encrypted database on your computer. The stored passwords can only be deciphered by the use of a master password or another authentication method defined by the user. This ensures that your passwords are secure and prevents criminals from stealing them.

  • Supports various methods of authentication

Kaspersky Password Manager helps you to control access to your password database with a master password or by using a USB or Bluetooth device. You can even use your mobile phone: your passwords can be configured so that they are only available when your mobile phone is connected to your computer via Bluetooth. If you leave your computer and take your phone with you, the database will automatically lock itself.

  • Generation of strong passwords

The security of your data depends directly on how strong your passwords are. Users often have similar or identical passwords for multiple accounts. By cracking a single password, a cybercriminal can easily gain access to many accounts. The password generator integrated into Kaspersky Password Manager will create strong passwords for you that are extremely difficult to crack.

  • Import passwords from other operating systems and applications

With Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, passwords are stored in an unprotected format and can easily be accessed by cybercriminals. Kaspersky Password Manager helps you to locate these unprotected passwords and import them into the encrypted password database.

  • Mobile version

Kaspersky Password Manager’s mobile version provides access to your passwords while working on any computer, without having to install a thing. The mobile version can be launched from different types of mobile devices, including flash drives. If the device is then removed, Kaspersky Password Manager locks the password database automatically and removes any trace of your password data from the host machine.

  • Automatically completes lengthy forms

Website forms often require the entry of personal information over and above that of username and password. Such additional data may include: your full name, date of birth, sex, email address, phone number, country of residence, etc. Kaspersky Password Manager can automatically fill in these kinds of forms for you, using information that you provide beforehand. Several ID cards can be used to store business-related and personal information separately.

  • Several usernames for a single account provider

Sometimes, several passwords must be stored for a single website. For example, you may have several mailboxes, each with a different purpose, registered with a single mail service provider. Kaspersky Password Manager can store several usernames for a single provider and check which one you want to use when you sign in.

  • Automatic backup

Kaspersky Password Manager automatically creates a backup copy of your password database on your computer each time it is modified. You can easily restore your passwords if the current database is accidentally damaged, or if you want to roll back to a previous version.

  • Effective protection against keyloggers

A keylogger is a malicious program that tracks keystrokes on the victim’s computer to illegally capture the user’s personal data, such as passwords. Kaspersky Password Manager enters passwords without actually using the keyboard and so effectively protects your personal data from keyloggers.

  • Protection from phishing attacks

Phishing is a type of hostile activity whereby a cybercriminal invites the user to visit a website in order to trick the user into divulging their account information. The fake site looks identical to the original site and an unwitting user consequently supplies their personal data. Kaspersky Password Manager effectively counters phishing attacks by checking if the URL is authentic and if your software is up-to-date.

System Requirements:

Operating Systems:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32/64 bit)

Hardware Requirements:
At least 512 MB available RAM
10 MB free space on the hard drive
computer mouse

Supported Web Browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 - 9.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.x - 5.x
Google Chrome 6.0 - 12.0
Maxthon 2.5.x
Flock 2.x
Seamonkey 2.0.8

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